Archive - Publications
K@shtalA k'alaKAênÔthlaha

Peabody Museum at Harvard (YLP featured in exhibit)
Grounds, Richard A. and Renée T. "Family Language without a Language Family." Bringing Our Languages Home: Language Revitalization for Families. Leanne Hinton. Berkeley: Heyday Books, 2013. 41-60.
Grounds, Renée T. “The Yuchi House: A Storehouse of Living Treasure.” Cultural Survival Quarterly. Dec 2011. Print Issue 35-4
Salsman, Jason. “yUdjEhalA’wAdA: ‘Speak Yuchi’ Generations Merge, Immerse in Language at the Yuchi House.” The Mvskoke News, 1 July 2018, p. 3. Article PDF

United Nations – Indigenous Languages: Preservation and Revitalization (Dr. Richard Grounds)

Baglione, John Michael. Yuchi Language Project seeks to revitalize Indigenous identity through common tongue
One of the Last Remaining Native Yuchi Speakers Passes
McGill, Madeline. Heenetiineyoo3eihiiho’ (Language Healers) Reviewed

Yuchi Language Project Attends Youth Language Fair
Endangered Languages Program: Celebrating 4 Years
Camp, Mark. Portalewska, Agnes. The Electronic Drum: Community Radio’s Role in Reversing Indigenous Language Decline